Grönlander Damm 35 A
22145 Hamburg
+49 178 5363745
In Proc. of 4th International Fujaba Days
with: Uwe Aßmann, Sacha Berger, Francois Bry, Tim Fruche and Jakob Henriksson
With Fujaba4Eclipse the Fujaba Tool Suite is intergrated into the Eclipse Platform. Through this integration, Fujaba benefits from the stable and well-documented Eclipse infrastructure and from re-use of some Eclipse tools, such as the Graphical Editing Framework (GEF). Still, there are other powerful Eclipse technologies, which could be enabled in Fujaba. We show, how this can be done by the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). More exactly, we demonstrate, how the EMF’s metamodel Ecore is used to define EMF-complient Fujaba metamodels. The benefit is twofold. First, Fujaba technologies (e.g., pattern recognition) can be applied to EMF models directly in Eclipse. Second, existing EMF-based tools and applications become applicable to Fujaba models.